
The Year 2024

  • Student Award - 9/6/2024 - Dr. Chen’s student Martha Santos received the S.E. “Jim” Jamal Endowed Fund.

  • New Article - 9/2/2024 - Zhou, G., Tan, Y., Peng, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, P.†, Chen, J., and Liu, P. (2024). Hydraulic Conductivity of Air-Dried Bentonite-Sand Blocks Permeated with Synthetic Groundwater from Radioactive Waste Repository, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, accepted. (IF = 3.73)

  • New Article - 9/1/2024 - Sierra, K., An, J.*, Shamet, R., Chen, J., Kim, Y., Nam, B., and Park, P. (2024). A review of geopolymer binder as a grouting material, Journal of Geo-Engineering, accepted. (IF = 1.33)

  • Funded Research - 8/30/2024- Dr. Chen received a NSF MRI grant as senior personnel.

  • Student Award - 8/26/2024 - Dr. Chen’s student Nimna Manage received the Yousef A. Yousef Endowed Fellowship.

  • Candidacy Exam - 8/2/2024 - Dr. Chen’s student Zohaib Hassan (co-advised with Dr. Sun) has passed the candidacy exam.

  • Award - 8/5/2024 - Dr. Chen’s student Matt Davies received a scholarship from the US Army Corp.

  • New Article - 7/20/2024 -He, L., Tan, Yu., Copeland, T.†, Chen, J., and Tang, Q. (2024). A Machine Learning Based Method for Predicting the Shear Behaviors of Rock Joints, Soils and Foundations, accepted. (IF = 4.03)

  • MS Dissertation - 7/5/2024 - Poyu Zhang defended his MS dissertation on the topic of machine learning in geotechnical engineering.

  • Funded Research - 6/27/2024- Dr. Chen received a grant from the CRESP and PNNL for evaluating the disposal of cementitious waste.

  • Funded Research - 6/27/2024- Dr. Chen received a grant from the Hinkley Center for evaluating black goo.

  • Funded Research - 6/27/2024- Dr. Chen received a grant from the Hinkley Center to evaluate landfill odor.

  • New Article - 2/2/2024 - A new article was published in Environmental Technology & Innovation.

    Liang, S., Chen, X., Chen, J., Peng, D., Wang, Z., & Meng, C. (2024). Hydraulic conductivity of polymer-enhanced bentonite geosynthetic clay liners to coal gangue leachate. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 103574 (IF = 7.81).

  • Funded Research - 1/23/2024- Dr. Chen received a grant from EPRI to evaluate the functional stability of coal ash landfills.

  • Funded Research - 1/15/2024- Dr. Chen received a grant from CRESP to evaluate the hydrological modeling of glass waste.

  • New Article - 9/28/2023 - A new article was published in the KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. This paper is a collaborative work with Kyung Hee University (Korea) and Shanghai University.

    Hou, J., Chu, C., Li, J., Copeland, T.†, Chen, J., Nam, B.* (2024). An Analytical Model of Horizontal-Vertical Geogrid Reinforced Foundation, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Accepted. (IF= 2.115).

The Year 2023

  • Award - 12/6/2023 - Dr. Chen was awarded as the Top Reviewer for the Journal of Waste Management (Elsevier) in 2023. News - Waste Management | by Elsevier

  • Funded Research - 9/31/2023- Dr. Chen received a grant from the Hinkley Center titled “Encouraging Better Curbside Recycling Behaviors and Improvement of the Cart-Tagging Programs”.

  • Funded Research - 9/31/2023- Dr. Chen received a grant from the Hinkley Center titled “Using a Digital Twin Approach for Designing and Evaluating Landfill Gas Emissions Modeling and Monitoring”.

  • New Article - 9/28/2023 - A new article was published in the Journal of Hydroinformatics.

    Hassan, S., Sun, P., Gokgoz, M., Chen, J., Reinhart, D., and Gustitus-Graham, S. (2023). UAV-based Approach for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Monitoring and Water Ponding Issue Detection using Sensor Fusion, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Accepted. (IF= 2.96).

  • New Article - 9/8/2023 - A new article was published in the Geotextiles and Geomembranes.

    Chen, X., Zhang, Tan, Y., Chen, J., Peng, D., Meng, C., and Huang, T. (2023). Hydraulic Conductivity and Multi-Scale Pore Structure of Polymer-Enhanced Geosynthetic Clay Liners Permeated with Bauxite Liquors, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Accepted. (IF= 5.839).

  • New Article - 7/4/2023 - Congratulations to Mert, Nimna, and Mery for their publication.

    Mert, G., Zhang, W., Manage, N., Mbengue, M., Bolyard, S., and Chen, J.* (2023). Survey on the Current Leachate Treatments of Public Municipal Solid Waste Landfills and the Potential Impact of Per- and Polyfluorinatedalkyl Substances in the Eastern and Northwestern United States, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, Accepted. (IF= 2.7).

  • New Article - 6/19/2023 - Congratulations to Tim for his publication.

    He, L., Lu, X., Copeland, T.†, Chen, J., Yan, J., and Zhao, W. (2023). The impact of shear rate on the mechanical behavior of rock joints under multiple-influencing factors, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Accepted. (IF= 6.518).

  • New Article - 6/10/2023 - Congratulations to Tim for his publication.

    Chen, X., Yu, T., Copeland, T.†, Chen, J., Peng, D., and Huang, T. (2023).Influencing factors and controlling mechanisms of polymer elution and hydraulic conductivity of polymer-bentonite geosynthetic clay liners to bauxite liquors, Applied Clay Science, Accepted. (IF= 5.907).

  • Editor’s Choice-4/3/2023 - Our paper on "Fate of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Postconsumer Products during Waste Management" has been selected to be featured in the Editor’s Choice section of the Journal of Environmental Engineering. Our paper on "Fate of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Postconsumer Products during Waste Management" has been selected to be featured in the Editor’s Choice section of the Journal of Environmental Engineering.

  • Student Paper-3/25/2023 - Congratulations on Poyu’s new conference paper.

    Zhang, P†, Tan, Y., Chen, J., and Nam, B. (2023). Using Random Forest Algorithm to Predict the Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Soil Liners/Covers, GeoCongress 2023, LA, CA.

  • New Article-3/24/2023 - An article on soil dynamics.

    Liu, X.*, Xu, X., Huang, L., Wei, X., and Chen, J. (2023).On Unified Characterization of Wave Velocity of Sand: a Focus on Effect of Particle Shape, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Accepted. (IF= 4.25).

  • New Book Chapter-3/14/2023 - Dr. Chen Published a book chapter in the Managing Mining and Minerals Processing Wastes.

  • Funded Research - 2/27/2023- Dr. Chen received a grant from the US DOE through Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP). UCF is now one part of the CRESP umbrella.

  • New Article-1/20/2023 - An article on the beneficial reuse of red mud.

    Peng, D.*, Zhao, C., Li, Y, Peng, Y., Huang, T., and Chen, J.(2023).Red Mud as a Magnesium Carrier for Enhanced N and P Recovery from Wastewater by the Struvite Method, Environmental Technology & Innovation, Accepted. (IF= 7.45).

  • New Article-1/16/2023 - An article on landfill cover water-gas transport modeling.

    Pu, H., Wen, X., Min, M.*, Chen, J.*, and Qiu, J.(2023). Analytical Solution for Coupled Water-gas Transport in Landfill Cover. Acta Geotechnica, Accepted. (IF= 5.856).

  • New Article-1/2/2023 - An article on machine learning in geotechnics. Congratulations on Poyu’s first paper.

    Tan, Y., Zhang, P., Chen, J. et al. (2023). Predicting the hydraulic conductivity of compacted soil barriers in landfills using machine learning techniques. Waste Management, Accepted. (IF= 8.816)

The Year 2022

  • Funded Research - 11/21/2022- Dr. Chen received the industrial donation from Heartland Water Technology inc. for research and education on landfill leachate treatment.

  • Funded Research - 11/1/2022- Dr. Chen received the research funding from Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management as co-PI. Title: An Efficient Landfill Surveying Method for Surface Emissions Monitoring and Cover Integrity Inspection.

  • Funded Research - 11/1/2022- Dr. Chen received the research funding from Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management as co-PI. Title: Life-Cycle Assessment of Residential Curbside Collection Programs for Recycling Quality Improvements.

  • New Article-10/13/2022 - An article on the PFASs in the waste stream.

    Reinhart, D., Bolyard, S., and Chen, J. (2022). Fate of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Post-consumer Products During Waste Management. Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), Accepted. (IF= 1.657)

  • Appointment-9/16/2022 - Dr. Chen is appointed as the associate editor of the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA).

  • Student Paper-9/13/2022 - Poyu Zhang has published a conference paper.

    Zhang, P, Chen, J., et al. (2022). The Transport of Micro and Nano Particles through Engineered Soil Barriers, 2022 Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium (ICLRS).

  • Student Paper-9/13/2022 - Poyu Zhang has published a conference paper.

    Zhang, P, Chen, J., et al. (2022). Evaluation of Equivalency of Florida Double Liner System and Subtitle D Composite Liners based on Mass Transport and Chemical Compatibility, 2022 Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium (ICLRS).

  • New Article-9/3/2022 - An article on the interface shear strength of polymer-modified GCLs and geomembrane.

    Chen, J., Gustitus, S., Lin, H., and Benson, C. (2022). Shear strength of bentonite-polymer composite geosynthetic clay liners and geomembranes. Environmental Geotechnics, Accepted. (IF= 2.516).

  • Funded Research - 8/5/2022- Dr. Chen received the research funding from NIH as co-PI and collaborated with the other researchers from UCF School of Psychology and School of Nursing and Florida Atlantic University.

  • Funded Research - 8/5/2022- Dr. Chen received the research funding from FDOT and collaborated with the University of North Florida.

  • Funded Research - 7/11/2022- Dr. Chen received the research funding from S2Li as the Principal Investigator (grant originally from Seminole County).

  • Student Paper-4/27/2022 - Congratulation on Mert’s first conference paper.

    Hasssan, Z., Gokgoz, M., Sun, P., Chen, J., Nam, B., and Gustitus-Graham, S. (2022). A Cost-Effective UAV-based Sensing System for Waste Landfill Management, The 9th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, online (UCF host).

  • Student Paper-4/27/2022 - Congratulation on Poyu’s first conference paper.

    Tan, Y., Zhang, P, Du, X., Chen, J., Nam, B., and Pu, H. (2022). Predicting Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Soil Liners/Covers using Boosting Algorithm, The 9th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, online (UCF host).

  • New Article-4/20/2022 - An article on the hydraulic properties of polymer modified GCLs.

    Yang, Y., You, X., Chen, J., et al. (2022). Hydraulic Conductivity of Novel Geosynthetic Clay Liner to Bauxite Liquor from China: Modified Fluid Loss Test Evaluation. Journal of Environmental Management, Accepted. (IF= 4.624).

  • New Article-4/5/2022 - An article on the hydraulic properties of biofilm-modified soil was published.

    Tang, Q, Shi, S., Chen, J.*, et al. (2022). Modeling the influence of microbial growth on the hydraulic properties of porous media. Computers and Geotechnics, 10.1016/j.compgeo.2022.104786. (IF= 4.956).

  • Service-1/15/2022 - Dr. Chen is selected as a committee member of the CRESP Early Career Committee.

  • New Article-1/5/2022 - An article on the large-scale shear behavior of gravels and geogrid is published.

    Chen, J., Ren, X., Xu, H.*, et al. (2022). Effect of Grain Size and Moisture Content on the Interfacial Shear Behavior Between Sandy Soil and Geogrid. International Journal of Geomechanics,  accept. (IF=2.45)

The Year 2021

  • Funded Research - 12/11/2021- Dr. Chen received the research funding from Terracon Foundation as the Principal Investigator, link

  • Funded Research - 12/10/2021-Dr. Chen received the research funding from Solid Waste Division Manager Orange County Utilities Department as the Principal Investigator.

  • Funded Research - 11/16/2021 - Dr. Chen received the research funding from U.S. Department of Energy as the Principal Investigator.

  • Funded Research - 9/17/2021 - Dr. Chen received the research funding from Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management as the Principal Investigator, link Florida Double Liner System and Subtitle D Composite Liners (

  • Award - 8/5/2021 - Dr. Chen’s student Mery Mbengue is awarded the Florida Section A&WMA Scholarship Award.

  • Invited Talk-7/22/2021 - Dr. Chen was invited to the Southeast University (Nanjing, China) to talk about his work on “Using Compacted Soil and Geosynthetic Clay Liners to Contain Bauxite Liquor and Coal Combustion Product Leachates”.

  • Award - 5/17/2021 - Dr. Chen’s paper "Using Perimeter Subsurface Drains to Control Groundwater Levels Beneath Low-level and Mixed Waste Landfills” is awarded a “Superior” paper at the WM2021 Conference.

  • New Article-5/9/2021 - An article on the modeling of plant root growth on the rocky slope. Great research! I am so impressed my previous teammates got this work done.

    Xu., H., Wang, X., Liu, C., Chen, J., and Zhang, C. (2021). 3D root system morphological and mechanical model based on L-Systems and its application to estimate the shear strength of root-soil composites. Soil & Tillage Research, accepted. (IF=5.347)

  • Invited Talk-4/30/2021 - Dr. Chen was invited to the CEE Research Seminar of Vanderbilt University to talk about his work on machine learning. Here is the link to the seminar:

  • New Article-3/28/2021 - An article on the long-term leaching of hexavalent chromium from mine waste in a SUPERFUND site.

    Chen, J., Eun, J.*, Feng, Y., and Tinjum, J. (2021). Long-term Leaching Behavior of Chromite Ore Processing Residue as Backfill Material and the Propagation of Chromium in the Surrounding Soil, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE, accepted. (IF=1.12)

  • Conference Presentation-3/9/2021 - Dr. Chen presented his research paper at the WM2021 on low-level radwaste disposal. Please find the research paper:

  • Invited Talk-3/2/2021 - Dr. Chen invited Professor Xiaowen Wang to give a talk on the “Geodetic imaging of Earth’s surface deformation: techniques and applications.”

  • Conference Presentation-2/22/2021 - Dr. Chen presented his research paper at the Geosynthetics Conference 2021 on coal ash and red mud disposal. The research was conducted with Dr. Benson (National Academy of Engineer, also Dean of the School of Engineering at the University of Virginia). Please find the research paper:

  • New Article-1/7/2021 - Oxidation of pyrite in black shale can cause tremendous landslides. Dr. Chen worked with his previous colleagues at Southwest Jiaotong University investigated a landslide near Wenchuan (Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008), and found out the weakening mechanism of pyrite-containing black shale. “I will tell you it is tough to climb the 150-m tall slide to take samples, and you will never forget about it.” - Chen.

    Ling, S.*, Sun, C., Wu, X., Chen, J., and Jiang, W. (2021). Oxidation of black shale and its deterioration mechanism in the slip zone of the Xujiaping landslide in Sichuan Province, Southwestern China. CATENA, (IF = 4.333)

  • Invited Talk-12/24/2021 - Dr. Chen was invited to talk about his work on polymer-modified bentonite at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (online via ZOOM).

    The Year 2020

  • New Article-12/16/2020 - No de-icing salt for the winter? Yes, exactly, here to find how to use geothermal to heat up the bridge. Dr. Chen collaborated with the top GeoEnvironmental Professor Dr. Hefu (Thomas) Pu from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and an article was published today:

    Lyu, W., Pu, H.*, Chen, J. *, and Gao, Z. (2020). Thermal Performance of an Energy Pile Group with a Deeply Penetrating U-shaped Heat Exchanger. Energies, 13(24), 6633; (IF=2.990)

  • New Article-11/16/2020 - Using polymers to improve the chemical compatibility of clay liner. This is not a new topic but always a challenge to the industry. Dr. Gustitus (Geosyntec Inc.) and Dr. Chen’s work in Dean Benson’s group was online today:

    S. Gustitus, D. Nguyen, J. Chen, and C. Benson, "Quantifying Polymer Loading in Bentonite-Polymer Composites Using Loss on Ignition and Total Carbon Analyses," Geotechnical Testing Journal, (IF=1.492)

  • New Article-11/6/2020 - Want to know more about energy piles? Dr. Chen collaborated with the top GeoEnvironmental Professor Dr. Hefu (Thomas) Pu from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and an article was published today:

    Lyu, W., Pu, H.*, and Chen, J. * (2020). Thermal Performance of an Energy Pile Group with a Deeply Penetrating U-shaped Heat Exchanger. Energies, in press. (IF=2.990)

  • New Article-10/24/2020 - Want to know more about the liner system underneath the mine waste? Dr. Chen’s paper on polymer-modified GCLs has been accepted by Geotextiles & Geomembranes:

    Li, Q., Chen, J. *, Benson, C. H., and Peng, D. (2020). Hydraulic Conductivity of Bentonite-Polymer Composite Geosynthetic Clay Liners Permeated with Bauxite Liquor. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, in press. (IF=4.167)

  • New Article-10/1/2020 - Black shale? Yes, it is the worst sedimentary rock for engineering. Dr. Chen and his former colleague Dr. Liao were collaborating on the research to see the corrosion of concrete by the black shale.

    Liao, X., Zhang, W., Chen, J.*, Wang, Q., Li, J., and Wu, X. (2020). Deterioration and Oxidation Characteristics of Black Shale under Immersion and Its Impact on the Strength of Concrete. Materials, 13(11). 2515. (IF=2.728)

  • New Article-10/1/2020 - A sponge to sorb lead? Yes, here is a new sorbent for Pb in the water.

    Liu, L., Chen, J.*, Zhang, W., Fan, M., Gong, Z., and Zhang, J. (2020). Graphene oxide/polydimethylsiloxane composite sponge for removing Pb( ii ) from water. RSC Advances, 10, 22492-22499. (IF= 3.049)